Monday, April 12, 2010

Uncreative Writing

This week it seems like we are focusing our attention on writing conceptually. I think this will be a good change of pace from the various bounds and constraints that came from the Oulipo and Perec. In the excerpt from Craig Dworkin I found it interesting that he never uses anything past the literal definition of a word. He replaces actual words that would comprise a sentence with their definition. I think this is a creative way to write conceptually, but I feel it loses it's importance after just the first page or so. I found myself wondering how long could someone read this jumbled mess. I suppose conceptually the meaning of the piece does deliver. But from a aesthetical prospective it becomes boring and bland. When I read I am looking for substance and purpose. I want to gain something from the text that is before me. With Dworkin's excerpt all I could do was read meaningless words on the page. I am interested to see as to why a writer like Dworkin would take such an unusual writing style and make it his own.

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