Monday, April 26, 2010

Lost and A Fan's Paranoid Logic

Reading “A Fan’s Paranoid Logic” touches on the idea of the celebrity and the fan. The celebrity is put on a pedestal while the fan looks up in admiration. But these lines can be blurred as Ray Johnson did in his mailings. The normal person became the artist. I saw this same concept in the “Lost” fan sites. By writing these theories, the fans in essence became the writers of their own version of “Lost,” and by posting them on the site other fans could read this alternate ending to the TV show and respond to it. This allows the reader to take part in the series, which could possibly be why there is such a large “Lost” following. As it says in “A Fan’s Paranoid Logic,” “the distinction between artists and speculators blurs not because of the open-endlessness of interpretation, but because of the effort to build in interactive gamelike structures of discovery and play” (36). It is a game for people to try and guess what will happen in the end.

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