Sunday, March 28, 2010


This week we had to read “A Void” by Georges Perec’s. When I first heard about this book I thought it was impossible to write an entire book without using the letter ‘E’. When I started reading this book, all I could concentrate on was finding a word with the letter ‘E’ in it! But once I kept on reading, I realized I wasn’t going to find a word with the letter ‘E’. I thought the first half of the book was very interesting. The first chapter really got my attention which is the most important to me when I read because if I’m not interested in the beginning of the book, I won’t want to read it. It was weird having Perec use all different words in place of words that contained the letter ‘E’ in it. This was different because not many books are like this. I think the rest of the book will be very interesting to find out what happens.

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