Monday, March 8, 2010

Short Stories

This week we read three stories that dealt with work. All three people were confined by very repetitive jobs. One of my jobs is very repetitive so I can understand the pain of it. One of the girls in my group said, "I heard once that if your job is very repetitive that your life will become repetitive too." At first I shrugged this comment off, but then I realized every weekend I go to the same bars with the same people or to the same house parties. My life outside of work has also become repetitive. It is what is comfortable.

We see this happening to the characters as well. The character's lives outside of work seem to be just as boring and repetitive because they never really talk about them. Helbling doesn't really mention an outside life. His whole story is talking about how moderate and ordinary he is compared to others. Helbling brings up his fiance and even she is boring and faceless. We know she treats Helbling bad and he doesn't like her mother, but even that is a fairly normal situation. I could look around at work, and anyone I work with could turn out to be Helbling.

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