Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lost, Invention of Morel, etc.

I have never gotten into watching the television show “Lost” but my friend is obsessed with it. When I heard that we had to watch this television show, I called her up and told her and she was jealous that we got to watch it. I didn’t think that I’d get into this show but after watching this one episode I wanted to watch more! I found this episode that we had to watch and the novel “The Invention of Morel” was very similar. I thought this because in the novel and in the episode, they were able to see people. While reading “Surrealist Manifesto” it confused me more then me understanding what I was reading. What confused me about the “Surrealist Manifesto” is that it gave lists and ways to write like a surrealist. He also brings up the idea of surrealism as a juxtaposition of two different realities. Which I was able to connect with both Lost and "The Invention of Morel," because Hurley brought together the reality of being on the island and the reality he thought he saw with Dave.

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