Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Perec and Matthews

When I first started to read "A Void" I found myself trying really hard to find an e. I noticed I simply stopped really interpreting the novel and just looking for e's I knew weren't there, I just wanted to catch a bluff I suppose. I do, however, find this book very interesting so far. It is so unlike anything I have ever really read before. I like catching the references to other stories, and I find that this book reminds me of "1001 Arabian Nights". It seems to be this continuation of a story within these other stories. The story does seem to progress to an overall plot that is intriguing. In Matthews' article, I found when he said that himself and Perec needed to be constraint a bit in their writing to truly be free to express themselves and say what they need to say. Sometimes too much freedom can be overwhelming and you need a challenge to bring out your full potential. I also liked how he discussed translations being the same yet different, and the Socrates example was very interesting as well.

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