Sunday, March 14, 2010

Frankenstein and the Invention of Morel

I am so glad that we are reading parts of Frankenstein. I read it last year in an AP Literature class and I was so thankful that someone had finally made me read it. Everyone thinks that they know the story of Frankenstein from the representations of it in movies and pop culture. However, after reading it, one really has an appreciation for what a work of art it really is. And the monster is not even called Frankenstein! Anyways, it is really interesting to read parts of Frankenstein and the beginning of The Invention of Morel together. There are some obvious connections between the two. Victor and the monster could both be considered fugitives, like the narrator of The Invention of Morel. Also each tale is told through another medium. For example, a lot of the story in Frankenstein is told through letters and in The Invention of Morel the story is told through the fugitive's journal. It is interesting what these things in common foretell what will happen in The Invention of Morel. Maybe Morel is a figment of the narrator's imagination to help him deal with his loneliness and falling in love with Faustine?

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