Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Frankenstein" and "The Invention of Morel"

Science fiction has always appealed to me as one of the most interesting genres of literature, as well as film and other forms of entertainment as well. Whether it be viewing a movie, playing a videogame, or reading a book, science fiction holds my attention and I become deeply immersed in it, sometimes to a length of extreme proportions. Mary Shelley did just that, where I may not join any followings like those who become completely enveloped such as “Trekkies” or the like, I find myself deeply intrigued as to the plot and the written tale of “Frankenstein” rather than the common story everyone hears as a child. My curiosity specifically surrounds Walton and what role he plays in the events, he seems merely to be another member of the audience, hearing this tale much like any other reader.

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