Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Short Stories-Part II

For Wednesday this week we had to read a few more short stories. When I finished reading all of these short stories, I realized that a story doesn’t have to be written in a certain way. As a writer, you are able to write so that the reader has a pretty good idea of what the end might be or you could make a huge u-turn in the middle of the story so it changes it. I thought it was interesting to read these because I felt like they didn’t really connect to the past short stories that we had to read for last Monday. The stories all seemed to bounce around and became pretty confusing towards the middle of them because you thought the story was heading one way and then it would switch to a completely different way that wasn’t expected. I didn’t find a connection between all of these stories for Wednesday but I did find that they weren’t focused and centered on one topic or character.

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