Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Lost" "Surrealist Manifesto" "The Invention of Morel"

I found the episode of “Lost” and “The Invention of Morel” quite similar. The main character in “The Invention of Morel” concludes in the second part that the people around him are merely reproductions of formerly recorded people that he can now see. This was very similar to Hurley being able to see Dave. His mind was inventing a person who was not really there; Morel’s machine was inventing people who were not really there. Freud and the unconscious were mentioned in the “Surrealist Manifesto.” This could connect to Hurley’s stay in the mental hospital and the convergence between the conscious and the unconscious in surrealism. What confused me about the “Surrealist Manifesto” is that it gave lists, definitions, and ways to write like a surrealist all while saying “our brains are dulled by the incurable mania of wanting to make the unknown known, classifiable.” If logic and classifying are so bad, why would a surrealist write an essay classifying surrealism?

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