Sunday, March 14, 2010

Frankenstein and The Invention of Morel

This week we had to read small parts from Frankenstein and The Invention of Morel. While I was reading The Invention of Morel (which I read second), I was able to make a connection to the Frankenstein which was the first one I read. The main character in both stories shared a lot of common traits. One of the main common traits that I found was that they both doubted their own creations. Such as, Victor, the main character in Frankenstein, at the site of the hideous monster that he created fled from it. It was also interesting to read these stories because both of the authors put things into the stories that would be impossible in the real world. These two stories weren’t just written in a way that other authors we’ve read have written. The two authors of these stories had written in having the characters in the stories write down their own story rather than just telling their own stories.

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