Sunday, March 28, 2010

Georges Perec

For this week we were asked to read Georges Perec's novel "A Void" and "History of the Lipogram." While reading Perec's "History of the Lipogram," I thought it was a very interesting idea because the whole goal of that type of writing is to produce an entire work that excludes a single letter. Then we see this idea come to fruition when we read his novel. Perec was able to write an almost 300 page novel without the letter e being used once. Even writing this blog I see the letter e over and over again, which shows just how hard it is and the dedication it would take in order to achieve such a task. Although the letter e is never used, I still found my self looking for a letter e and of course it never appeared. I was a little apprehensive about reading this story because I wasn't sure if there would even be a plot, but Perec ingeniously wrote a novel that sucked me in right from the get go and I can't wait to see where he goes with the rest of the novel.

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