Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Matthews and Perec

Last class we had to write what we did that morning and then write it without using the letter 'e'. This was one of the hardest tasks that I've ever had to do. I was unable to get it and that really frustrated me. I am the type of person that has to get the task done and cannot just give up, so doing this was a challenge for me. I still have a hard time thinking that he was able to write the entire book without using the letter 'e'. I know that this was his whole goal, but it still is kind of an unbelievable goal and almost impossible in my mind. In reading the second section of the book I still found myself looking for and 'e' as I was reading. I think that this kind of distracts me because I am not as connected to the book. I am starting to get that I will not find an 'e', so I'm concentrating on the plot and content of the book much more than the first section. In reading Matthews piece I thought a lot about French and the fact that I know absolutely nothing about the language. I found myself wondering about the language and wanting to learn more about it through this class.

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