Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Void

The whole concept of writing a novel without using the letter E is just mind blowing. The fact that Perec pulled it off is amazing. So is that fact that the translator even managed to translate it with out using the letter E. This work is crazy genius. After reading "The History of the Lipogram," I realized that this was a kind of avant garde trend. Sure, it is a little weird but I bet Perec did it just to see if he could. There were parts that I had trouble understanding, with references to things that I didn't understand, but I'm hoping that maybe later on in the novel it will make more sense. I really enjoy how this is kind of a suspense thriller as they characters search for Vowl. I think it's funny how Perec's story reflects his limitations of writing a lipogram. I'm excited to see where this goes.

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