Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Things Fall Apart 2

Things Fall Apart turned out to be a rather interesting book. The clashes between the Igbo clans and the European missionaries were intense. Again, Okonkwo and his clan were portrayed as very violent people; killing/beheading innocent people, burning down buildings, leaving twins in the forest to die, etc. However, the European men hanged people and beat them with sticks, making them no less violent. It is clear how culture and traditions constantly cause conflicts between each of these cultures. In addition, I found it interesting how the Europeans included everyone—no matter what they have done in their past or who they were to the Igbo. Doing this allowed them to gain power among the natives and develop a government that ruled everyone, including the clansmen that weren’t converts. It is sad how drastically the lives of the Igbo were changed and how it affected people like Okonkwo. I wonder how this story reflects what life is like in Nigeria today.

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