Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Short stories continued

I really enjoyed these short stories. They all seemed to be connected in which they all at some point talked about the universe. The only story that, at least I thought, didn't mention anything about the universe was the Robert Bolano story. There could have been mention of the universe and I just missed it but I guess it would seem pretty odd if Nazi sympathizers went on extensively discussing things about the universe. There was a line in Jorge Luise Borges "The Garden of Forking Paths" that goes; "The fabric of time that approach one another, fork, are snipped off, or simply unknown for centuries, contains all possibilities." That whole paragraph really struck me, it was so interesting and almost otherworldly, if that's the right word to use. But I did like how all the stories had either an appreciation for the universe and the things in it or just how others were a part of the universe.

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