Sunday, March 7, 2010

Short Stories

Bartleby the Scrivener, Helbling's Stroy, and The Metamorphosis were refreshing to read, considering it reminded me of a previous English class. In Gothic literature, writers would have themes that include the uncanny, a double, or a supernatural element to name the common three. The three stories for this week all had a similar theme of the uncanny. Meaning that there are familiar elements when you read the story, but there is something unnatural about it. Each story revolves around a man that seems to an outsider in his surroundings and is misunderstood by the people around them. I found all these stories very interesting, especially The Metamorphosis, because the story begins with a man discovering he has become a bug. The bizarre thing is that he tries to continue to do normal human things, like care for his family. It's sad that all the characters have such depressing endings. Gregor and Bartleby die, while Helbling wants to just cut himself off from the world and be alone.

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