Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Short Stories

I think Wednesday's class is appropriately titled "Brevity and Paradox." Each of these short stories are very interestingly constructed; they do not seem to have a straight narrative path. I find that reading stories like that actually engage me further than ones with a clearly laid out narrative style. These stories are just an example of how literature can take many forms. It is really amazing how diction, syntax, and even narrative sequence can be played with to create a unique piece of literature that really engages your brain. If the story doesn't quite catch your attention, maybe next time think about the author's choices while writing. It makes any work seem riveting. Gabriel Garcia Marquez's story "The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World" was my favorite this time. It all struck me as funny, especially how it is subtitled "A Tale for Children."

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