Thursday, March 11, 2010

Short Stories 2

I enjoyed how obscure the stories were. They were are different, but similar in the way of the creativity used to write them. I loved the stream of consciousness that ran through the story Mr. Palomar in His Garden. It reminds of the novel Johnny Got His Gun. That book is purely stream of consciousness and it allows the reader to get inside the mind of the main character. It is a very interesting way to write a novel. I think that's why I enjoyed the stories so much. The thoughts are just flowing and it breaks down what a previous short story thought it had to be. It's cool when a mold is broken in such a creative way. There is also a touch of surrealism that is in the stories like the The Handsomest Drowned Man. Some of the details are stretched to the point of where the reader may or may not believe everything that has been written. Those are the stories I like. The ones that make you really think, and helps shape a new writing style.

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