Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Invention of Morel, LOST, and "Manifesto"

After class on Monday I was so excited to finish The Invention of Morel. The book really caught my interest and I wanted to see how it ended and where the science part of science fiction came in. I was not disappointed! Now, I completely understand how the story is related to Frankenstein. Two scientists with projects that go awry and end up making their lives and the lives of their loved ones terrible. I can see how this story inspired the writers of Lost. There are many parallels between the episode 'Dave' and The Invention of Morel. The entire show deals closely with the idea of what is "real" or possible. Which I think is something that the entire science fiction genre strives to seek out. The "First Surrealist Manifesto" was interesting. I'm a fan of Surrealism, but I thought it was a little weird that Andre Breton had like a checklist of things to do to make your writing Surrealist writing. Think writing any genre is more complex than following a checklist.

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