Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Perec and Matthew

During class, we had to write what we did in the morning since we woke up without using the letter ‘E’. I could never write an entire book without using the vowel. Its interesting to think about how Perec’s, “A Void” was written in three different languages and all translated over to English. I feel like it would have a different meaning in each language then it would in the one it was written in. While reading “The Case of the Persevering Maltese: Translation and the Oulipo” by Matthew, all I could think about was trying to speak French. In high school, I took Spanish classes but my mom took French classes while she was in high school. Sometimes at home, I’ll speak a little Spanish but she’ll come back at me with French words. I would tell her what I said and she would say what she said but most of the time if we were trying to say the same thing, if you translated it, it would be a different meaning in the English language.

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