Sunday, March 7, 2010

Short Stories

For this week we were required to read three short stories.I enjoyed how there was an eclectic mix of writing styles in the required reading. Whether a story be fictional or non, it was still able to grab my attention. My favorite was the "Helbling's Story", when told of a man turning into a beetle. It was a nice change of pace to read some fun and light reading, compared to the deeply seeded meanings of some of the other texts we have read thus far. On a different note, I am focusing on determining which short passage of text I want to use for our first short essay which is due at the end of this week. I think it will take careful deliberation to figure out which passage to use, and to even see if I can write 1,300 words on that single passage. Thus far it looks like I will be focusing on one of Emily Dickinson's poems, simply because learning about her was very fascinating to me. I am looking forward to this essay, and to see exactly how it will pan out for me.

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