Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The invention of Morel, Lost, etc.

I wasn't sure what to write for a blog post when we had only read half of the book "The invention of Morel" I honestly was not sure what to make of it or what to think was going on. As I read further I had expected to find that one of the things he thought was wrong with him was really what had been going on. I expected him to be dead, or that he was having hallucinations, I never even could have imagined what the real cause of these images were. I must say that by the end of the book I understood the concept of what had been going on but I still didn't quite "understand" why or how...I couldn't imagine being stranded on an island first of all, but then to finally see people and not be able to interact with them at all must have been pure tourture. It was a rather sad thing to watch a character fall in love with someone he has never truly interacted with or gotten to know. I must say that I was sad when I found out he was going to join this world of projection and leave the real world behind. I think that I will be reading this book again and trying to really absorb every detail and learn how everything on the island works.

I had never seen the show lost before so I wasn't quite sure what to make of it, however, I do clearly see the similarities between "Morel" and the show. Hurley starts to see Dave who was never really there at all, which is very similar to "Morel" when the main character is seeing people who were once there but no longer exist in "this world." I think the idea of what is real or what exists in the afterlife is such a broad topic very often talked or written about but I think the ideas brought up in "Morel" really give a whole new aspect to "otherworldly"

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