Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Perec and Matthews

I was a little confused when I started reading A void. I don't think I would have ever noticed that there were no e's in the book if I didn't look hard or were told ahead of time. I found it a little weird that Perec would be focus so much on other peoples works. I think as I get farther into the book it becomes easier to read, however, I find myself needing to focus a little harder on what I'm reading because I find that at some points its awkward to read. I feel that the way he wrote things could either be a positive or a negative. I feel that Perec went outside the box in his style of writing, that he took literature to a different place and really made it his own. On the other hand I feel that maybe he took too much time looking for words that didn't have the letter "e" rather than writing whatever came to mind. I look forward to finishing this book and seeing what Perec has to offer.

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