Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Perec and Matthews

This week we continued reading Georges Perec's novel "A Void," and also looked at the Matthews' piece, "The Case of the Preserving Maltese: Translation and the Oulipo." In Matthews piece he brings up the notion that English, as well as French are vast languages and pretty much anything that can be said in English can be said in French, and vice versa. One thing that Matthews brings up is the idea that although these two languages can be translated into the other, sometimes the meaning of the sentence or story can get lost in translation. This got me thinking about "A Void" and how it was translated from French to English and it got me to wonder if there were things that ended up getting lost from the original piece, whether it be because the translator wouldn't think English readers would understand something and therefore decided to change it so it would be more suitable for English readers.

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