Tuesday, March 16, 2010


The episode of Lost and The Invention of Morel show how Surrealism blurs the lines between conscious and subconscious and reality and fantasy. The second half of The Invention of Morel explains much of the confusion in the first part. The explanation, though clear and detailed, is not realistic. The episode of Lost we watched deals with the same concepts of confusion and illusion. Hurley sees someone from his past. The audience cannot, in this scenario as well as in The Invention of Morel, decide for sure whether or not this is simply a hallucination. Because there is physical evidence, we cannot assume insanity.

Surrealism deals with possibility. Both the show and the book, being 'science fiction' open themselves to possiblity in terms of physical and mental invention. They keep ends open and do not have black and white answers.

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