Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Void

In George Perec's A Void, there were a few things that I was struggling with as a reader. First, I really find that Perec uses a several a lot of terms, or places and things, that are not something that most people would know about. While doing the reading I kept thinking of how frustrated I would be had I not lived with a family in France for a short period of time when Perec makes frequent refrence to places in France. Did others know what all the places were that were mentioned? I feel as though had I not known french or been there, there would have been know way I would have known what was being referenced. Other things that I really struggled with was how I felt as though he dragged on some points that didn't need to be dragged on, especially in the begining. I could not focus on what was going on the entire introduction even though I was reading, rereading slowly; I just couldn't seem to following. Other than the refrences and some parts dragging on, I really enjoy the idea of this piece and am looking forward to where the book will go.

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