Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Frankenstein" and "The Invention of Morel"

This weeks readings offered another intriguing and attention grabbing style of writing. Obviously I am talking about Science-fiction. This literary genre has always been a very interesting niche in literature for me personally. I feel that strange and mysterious topics are one of the best ways to grab hold of the readers attention. Shelley and Casares are able to tell a story of some freakish happenings, but also intertwine the meaning of the story with the heroin's personal struggle. I remember being assigned Shelley's "Frankenstein" when I was only in the seventh grade. Clearly, at that point in my life I was unable to fully comprehend what I was reading. To this day I still question why my educators chose that particular text to teach to a group of seventh graders, but I suppose I will never know. Now that I can easily comprehend what I am reading the endeavour is much more enjoyable. I found myself following along with Dr. Frankenstein and worrying about his sanity. I think Shelley used the creation of Dr. Frankensteins work to contrast his own personal struggles with humanity.

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