Sunday, April 4, 2010

Georges Perec and Francois Le Lionnais

The most recent excerpt of Georges Perec’s “A Void” that was assigned as reading –pages 155 to 203- serve as links to multiple forms of media present in my life. Upon reading the allotted section I drew connections to multiple written and visual works that I have previously read and viewed respectively. Upon arriving at an explanation of the suspected reasoning for the deaths I instantly thought of moments in films such as National Treasure or Indiana Jones in which a main character uses their knowledge attained from their line of work or personal study, specifically of past events, to benefit or provide a solution to a current issue. A somewhat more lacking connection was that of when anyone seems to be on the verge of death they seem to slowly die without a quick end as I would have suspected, but instead a longer drawn out in which they utter a last phrase or word for dramatics.

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