Sunday, April 4, 2010

Manifestos and "A Void"

For this weeks reading we were asked to read Francois Le Lionnais' first and second manifestos and pages 155-203 in Georges Perec's "A Void." In Lionnais' manifesto's he brings up the idea of readers and writers merely smirking at the idea of writing in a lipogram form. I understood his reasoning behind this because when I first learned that "A Void" was written without using the letter "E" I was a little apprehensive that there would be no story and nothing to sustain it as a piece of fiction. Although, after I started to read the novel my feelings drastically changed. The story can still be a little hard to follow at times, but it is still an believable feat that Georges Perec as well as the English translator were able to achieve, a work of fiction with a fairly interesting plot and it has kept me engaged throughout the entire work. I recently learned of another of Perec's works entitled "Les Revenentes" in which the letter "E" is the only vowel employed, I thought leaving out the letter "E" was tough when we had to write a synopsis of what we did that day, but to leave out every vowel besides "E" seems like a nearly impossible idea for a constraint in literature. Although, it would be interesting to check out that work and see if it is just as engaging as "A Void" is.

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