Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Things fall apart 2 & 3

I won't say this was one of my favorite books, but I most certainly enjoyed reading a book I normally would not have chosen for myself to read. I feel like the struggle that Okonkwo faced throughout the book was similar to the struggles that I feel lots of people now days face. He struggled so hard to be nothing like his father and make something out of himself, however, the ultimate outcome was his demise. I may see things a little different from everyone else in this class being as Im a psych major. For me, when I look at Okonkwo I feel like I analyze him as a person rather than a man in a book. Okonkwo displaces all of his anger from his father onto everyone else in his life.

I was very intrigued at the talk about this book being a response to the idea that African's are savages. I can't help but to think of course people would label them "savages" the white people that move onto their land and don't understand their culture and expect these people to conform to their idea of religion and proper behavior. I was extremely disheartened when I found out that Okonkwo had committed suicide at the end of the book. I felt as if after everything he had gone through and lived through that he just had had enough. I think that this will be a book I read again on my own time and at my own pace, maybe the second time through things will read a little different.

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