Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Things Fall Apart (2nd & 3rd Part)

Overall, I really enjoyed reading the book Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. After reading I realized that Okonkwo’s first wife was never given a name of which I am not sure why. Also, I’m not sure if I missed it during the reading or not but I still do not understand why twin babies had to be thrown out in the forest. Like I mentioned in my first post about this book, I see many correlations between their culture and traditions to that of my own. In a sense, I understand and was not completely surprised by the ending of this story. Okonkwo was a man of pride and was deeply rooted in the ways of his ancestors. Therefore, his mindset may have been placed on the thought of dying in his own hands rather than in the hands of strangers. At times like these when the faith of men of tested, how do we determine truth faith or the right religion?

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