Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Void & Manifestos

Reading Lionnais's Manifestos really helped me in better understanding lipograms and the Oulipo group. He spoke almost the exact words I was thinking about these two concepts. I especially saw similarities in my thoughts and his words when he described readers finding lipograms to "deserve nothing more than a wry grin." Because truthfully, that is all I ever really thought of it up until this reading. Not only has Lionnais's article helped me to better understand this section of A Void, but thankfully the novel is becoming more interesting. I'm finally able to let go of the whole idea of not using "e." In the past two sections I found myself distracted while reading because of that whole big idea. Now I am just reading the book as if I was never told this (although that would be hard seeing as the cover of the novel is an "e" crossed out). I was very apprehensive about the novel at first, but as I continue reading it's at least becoming more interesting, although sometimes it's still hard to follow.

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