Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Things Fall Apart, Part 2

After Monday's in class discussion I was left with many new questions to think about. It had not occurred to me that the book "Things Fall Apart" is essentially a response to the idea that Africans were savages. I think this is interesting, because as we discussed in class the book not only disproves the idea of Africans being savages, but also subliminally agrees with the stereotype. This is because the book gives many different examples of how the Africans were orderly and civilized, with many similar characteristics to that of the white man. On the other hand, the book shows how the Africans had dated and barbaric rituals in their culture. I do not think that this makes them savage, but rather not up to times. I think since people of Africa are often impoverished this makes for such inequalities between them and the outside world. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It gave me new insight to the African culture, as well as human instinct.

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